Attorney Group Therapy

You’re probably wondering what the title of this post is all about.

A fellow reader has had the truly brilliant idea that we should have a forum to discuss the all too familiar episodes of outrageous treatment by partners of associates (and of other more junior partners as well, if we’re being honest). 

Most of us have stories for which we could use a little attorney group therapy.  If you care to share yours, please email me all the details at, and if its good, I’ll post it on the blog.

Here are the Rules:

1. The incident must have happened in Boston/Cambridge, or at the very least somewhere in Massachusetts.

2.  No lying.  To be clear: Your story must be true.  Please no “the partner sprouted horns and a tail” stories.

3.  When deciding whether to submit your story, think about whether it would evoke one of these reactions: (1) Oh my God that happened to me too!; or (2) Oh my God, I can’t believe that really happened!  If so, please submit.

4. This is not to be a forum to air personal grievances or slander any one or any entity.  No information specifically identifying the partner or exact firm, please.

5. Preferrably the story happened sometime in the last five years.  If its older but REALLY good, though, definitely submit.

Those are the rules.  Let the AA (Attorneys Anonymous) group session begin!

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